8 | Nexo NEXO WCs and BIDETS Wall-hung WC, Rimless Wall-hung WC, Medical A34664L000 530 mm A34664K..00 535 mm A801C4200U Soft-closing seat and cover, Slim A801C4200U Soft-closing seat and cover, Slim A80164A004 Soft-closing seat and cover A80164A004 Soft-closing seat and cover A801640004 Seat and cover A801640004 Seat and cover 360 355 160 180 160 35 ø55 180 ø55 325440535 355 345ø102 400 360325 225 50 460 435530 345ø102 305350435 400 320355 220 50 255 225 35 460 Bidet Bidet, back to wall with fixing kit A357641000 535 mm A357640000 565 mm A806640004 Bidet cover 360 210 360 150 65 75 230 535 335385 565 390 195 210 40 245 435 225 390 Wall-hung bidet A357645000 525 mm 360 180 80 225 65 525 405 340 325 220 170 125