08 Esmai Logica Single-lever basin mixer Single-lever high spout Single-lever basin mixer Wall-mounted with pop-up waste basinmixer with pop-up with pop-up waste / single-lever bath-shower waste retractable chain mixer 21,8 14,5 8,1 Ref. A5A3031C00 Ref. A5A3431C00 Ref. 5A3027C00 Ref. 5A0227C00 2,300.00 LE 4,760.00 LE 2,430.00 LE 2,855.00 LE Wall-mounted bath-showe Concealed wall- Built-in single-lever Built-in single-lever mixer with automatic mounted bath- bath-shower mixer shower mixer diverter shower mixer ø16 ø16 with automatic diverter. Ref. A5A0231C00 Ref. A5A0B31C00 Ref. 5A0B27C00 Ref. 5A2B27C00 2,455.00 LE 2,535.00 LE 2,580.00 LE 2,395.00 LE Concealed wall- RocaBox RocaBox mounted bath- shower mixer Universal RocaBox. Universal RocaBox. Ref. A5A2B31C00 Ref. A525869403 Ref. A525869403 2,370.00 LE 1,750.00 LE 1,750.00 LE Dimentions in cm. AAAA PPPP BBBB MMMM OOOO XXXX OOOO CCCC EEEE LLLL RRRR BBBB OOOO IIII CCCC TTTT