42 | Product selection Product selection BATHROOM 44 FURNITURE, MIRRORS AND 62 FAUCETS SOLUTIONS 80 COLLECTIONS LIGHTING, AND BASINS Smart Toilets 44 Furniture 62 Faucets collections 80 In-Wash® 44 Storia | Novelty 2020 62 Insignia 80 Multiclean® 45 Beyond 64 Pals | Novelty 2020 81 Bathroom collections 46 Stratum 65 Thesis 81 W+W 46 Carmen 65 Carmen 82 Carmen 47 Inspira 66 Loft 82 Beyond 48 The Gap | Novelty 2020 67 L90C 83 Inspira 50 Heima 68 L90 83 Meridian 52 Prisma 69 Naia 84 Hall 54 Lander 70 Lanta 84 Dama 55 Domi | Novelty 2020 70 Atlas 85 The Gap 56 Anima 71 Malva 85 Debba 60 Natura 71 Targa 86 Victoria 61 Debba 72 Monodin-N 86 Victoria-N 73 L20 87 Victoria Basic 73 Victoria 87 Mini 74 Thermostatic faucets 88 Suma 74 T-2000 88 Savana 75 T-1000 Square 88 Complements 75 T-1000 Round 89 Mirrors 76 T-500 89 Lighting 76 Hand-showers 90 Basins 77 Plenum 90 Sensum 90 Stella 91 Stella Stick 91 Shower-heads 92 RainDream 92 RainSense 92 Arms for shower-heads 93 Bath spouts 93 Smart Shower | Novedad 2020 94 Shower columns 95 Evolution 95 Essential 2.0 95 Eternal 96 Level-T | Novelty 2020 96 Deck 97 Even 98 Victoria 99