Furniture collections The Gap 39 Base unit Base unit for over countertop basin. The basin is ordered separately. 2 drawers 800 mm Ref. A851501806 (glossy white) Ref. A851501153 (glossy anthracite grey)* Ref. A851501447 (matt light grey)* 0 Ref. A851501434 (nordic ash)* Ref. A851501402 (city oak)* Base Unit Countertop 80 A857399XXX A857419XXX 805 00 460 402 434447153 806 600 mm 222 537 Ref. A851500806 (glossy white) 28380 Ref. A851500153 (glossy anthracite grey)* 803 Ref. A851500447 (matt light grey)* 610530275 Ref. A851500434 (nordic ash)* 605 Ref. A851500402 (city oak)* 460 222 Base Unit Countertop 537 283 A857397XXX A857418XXX 803 610530275 Set of 2 legs 275 mm Ref. A816829339 aluminum legs for glossy white (806) finish Ref. A816829458* nickel legs for glossy anthracite grey (153), city oak (402), nordic ash (434) and matt light grey (447) finishes Column* 1504 1504 mm Ref. A857427806 (glossy white) Ref. A857427153 (glossy anthracite grey) 402 434447153 806 Ref. A857427447 (matt light grey) 251 346 Ref. A857427434 (nordic ash) Ref. A857427402 (city oak) Eidos* Accessories LED mirror A 800 Lateral towel rail for base unit Ref. A816760001 1200 mm 900 mm 600 mm Organizer box Ref. A812358000 Ref. A812360000 Ref. A812355000 90 x 90 mm Ref. A816819409 1100 mm 800 mm 500 mm Ref. A812361000 Ref. A812356000 Ref. A812354000 208 x 100 mm Ref. A816820409 Set of two furniture 1000 mm 700 mm hooks Ref. A812357000 Ref. A812359000 Ref. A816761001 Dimensions *Product on request Replace XXX in the product reference in mm. with the code of the chosen finish.