1 A -floor hiigh- hallll 3PRIINCESS ename ll ll 4 The NEXO ii llet biidet is two- -ceiilliinged wiith stee bathtubs to and i magniific en t space and exquisite i i a re d esiigned with a wide, flat i unuely desiiql iigned. Its nnovatve ii i I ii iintei i bott om . This ergono i i design is i i ge omet ric coi ncept perfec tlly l mic ace' rs reveal Vers 's unique, ri o lluxurious design ideai i i. iint sh ws the ll thought out layoll l i o ut. we rated with c eg h rmrest rome a iith l Ahum an design to i achiie ack i l ve bette i sprayed b nglayer si lenc i ii i w r 2The FUEGO countertop ll an d i l e r pad, ach iei use of space. dl basn is a si lenc i nvig fr a lle iith i moel w a simp , eegant qu iiete sage. i r u , unifyiing siign de appearan ce nd a fu nctiionall iity i i i i , providing an infinite num be r of comb inatiions i for perfect ba th room designs.i 1 2 Products used: NEXO W.C. . FUEGO Countertop ii Basn PRINCESS-N Bathtub 3 4 11