21 Nov. /2020 The president of Bulgaria visits Roca’s factory in Kaspichan With its 100-year history, it is the oldest sanitary ware plant in Bulgaria and Roca’s largest facility in the Balkans The president of Bulgaria, Rumen Radev, visited Roca’sBalkan area and one of the most modern facilities of the vitreous china plant in the city of Kaspichan, in thegroup in Europe. northeast region of the country, at the end of June. TheThe current production of the plant is intended for Bulgarian president was welcomed by Roca’s both internal consumption and export to other managing director in Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia,European and Asian countries. One of the highlights Dimitar Doynov, who had the opportunity of showingis its commitment to the protection of the him the high manufacturing standards the company environment, with the implementation of the Zero works with, as well as the different product rangesWaste program and the planting and maintenance, manufactured in these premises. The visit was alsoas an initiative of the workers themselves, of its own attended by the mayor of Kaspichan, Milena Nedeva,forest, known in the area as “Roca’s Forest”. The and by other representatives of Roca’s team in Bulgaria.Roca Group currently employs 400 people in As a souvenir of the meeting, the president of theBulgaria and also has a training center aimed at country and the mayor of the city received a copy of theensuring that the country’s consumers receive the book Roca. 100 years design by design, which providesbest service. an overview of Roca’s leadership in the design of innovative solutions for the bathroom space throughout its century-long history. The factory in Kaspichan is the oldest facility specializing in the manufacturing of sanitary ware in Bulgaria, after celebrating in 2019 its first 100 years of history. Its relationship with Roca started in 1999, as part of the acquisition of the Laufen Group. Since its arrival in the country, Roca has made important investments in increasing the plant’s capacity, technological renovation and implementation of the Group’s quality and environmental management systems. A new factory was built in 2007, very near the original factory, thusPart of Roca’s team in Bulgaria, during the president’s visit to theBulgaria’s president, Rumen Radev (left), along with Roca’s managing becoming Roca’s largest production center in the factory in Kaspichan director in Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia, Dimitar Doynov (right) Recognition to Roca in Portugal for its entrepreneurial activity The magazine EXAMEplaces it in the first position of the real estate sector in theranking of the best companies in2019 The magazine EXAME , one of the most renowned financial indicators,” which place it as one of the publications in the Portuguese business sector, hasleading companies in the sector. carried out a study in collaboration with the For Roca, this recognition implies a very positive consulting firms Informa DB and Deloitte, which ratesassessment of the work it carries out and “of the Roca as one of the best companies in the country. effort made by the entire team, pointing out the The ranking, which has reached its thirtieth edition,commitment of the company to becoming a key is one of the most prestigious and best-valued in thepart of the business structure of the country,” as Portuguese business sector. The criteria this rankingstated by representatives of the company in is based on are sales growth, asset profitability,Portugal during the awards ceremony. return on equity and cash flow, among others. The report highlights “the consistency of the company’s Roca representatives received the award 11