Roca Gallery “Changing direction”, a monograph at on the effects of COVID-19 The platform has modified its themed program to launch the special monograph “Changing direction”, which analyzes the short and long-term impact of the pandemic on certain aspects of society was launched as a platform todevelop a special monograph on the impact thesystems or the creative and social experimenting share interesting knowledge on relevant issues, withpandemic is having on different levels, speciallyopportunities offered by the current situation. a special focus on the contribution of architecturefocusing on analyzing the role played by architects,The articles have been prepared by the team of and design to the main challenges society is facing.designers and engineers in the definition of thecollaborators of, made up of Every month, the site presents a monographic topicpost-virus scenario. renowned professionals in very different specialties, chosen by an expert committee that meets everyThe monograph, titled “Changing direction”, is madewho address every topic with a critical and year to identify the topics that will mark the debateup of a collection of articles that address issuesmultidisciplinary vision. As usual, the monograph in the industry on the short and medium term. Thesuch as the development of new social spaces thatalso offers specialized resources for further outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the firstallow social distancing, the new conception of information. quarter of the year has made it necessary to rethink“collective space”, the specific impact on the design the planned calendar for the first time and toof work spaces, the mandatory rethinking of health 20