Roca Gallery #RocaGalleryConnects, the reflection on architecture and design trends moves to Instagram Roca Gallery has transferred the discussion on architecture and design trends to Instagram by conducting live interviews with professionals of the industry. The success of this proposal guarantees its continuity The lockdown situation created by the COVID-19provides the value of interactivity, as after theThe initiative has been a real success, both in pandemic has led Roca Gallery to develop a newquestions posed by the Roca Gallery team, aterms of number of live participants and format that conveys its vocation to offer design anddiscussion is opened and all participants can sharesubsequent viewing of the interviews, as well as architecture professionals meeting points where totheir contributions. Nearly 25 interviews wereparticipation and interactivity of users all around reflect on the most important challenges faced byconducted with professionals with very differentthe world. All this has led to #RocaGalleryConnects the industry.This is how the initiativebackgrounds and careers between March and July,consolidating as a new format of relationship with #RocaGalleryConnects was launched at the which have allowed them to address issues likeprofessionals, which will continue in the future beginning of March, a series of live interviews withdesign for millennials, lighting trends, inspiration andregardless of the evolution of the pandemic. world renowned architects and designers throughthe creative process, collaborative work spaces or Instagram Live. the different versions about the future of Along with the possibility of openly talking to keyarchitecture, with the common core idea of professionals within the industry, the live format also sustainability. Tomek Rygalik (Poland), founder of Studio Rygalik Fernanda Marques (Brazil), founder of Fernanda Marques ArquitetosEmre Arolat (Turkey), founding partner and head of Design at EmreLuciano Kruk (Argentina), founder of Luciano Kruk Arquitectos Associados Arolat Architecture (EAA) 18