LM Calacatta Light MC 120x250 R / 48”x100” R - LM Calacatta Light MC 120x120 R / 48”x48” R Marble Calacatta Marble Calacatta es vitalidad y equi- Marble Calacatta is vitality and ba- librio, te ofrece la versatilidad de la lance, offering you the versatility of piedra en sus mismos acabados, con stone in its own finishes, with ranges gamas y formatos que se adaptan and formats that are adapted to the a la necesidad del espacio, revesti- needs of the space. Wall coverings mientos en formato extra largo y fino that are extra-long and thin, square espesor, baldosa cuadrada e incluso tiles and even small-format meshes. malla de pequeño formato. Marble Calacatta compositions Las composiciones con Marble Ca- generate unique atmospheres and lacatta generan atmósferas únicas y bright spaces as much so in their espacios luminosos tanto en su aca- natural finish as well as the balance bado natural, como con el balance between the matt and the shine of entre mate y brillo del Lapato o la luz the lapato or the bright light of the resplandeciente del acabado pulido. polished finish. Marble Calacatta 93