10 Close-Coupled Toilet Maintenance If water runs into your toilet bowl for longer than five minutes after flushing please refer to the cistern maintenance procedure or read the following for further details: • The float height on the inlet valve may have moved causing water to internally overflow into the pan (contact an installer). • There could be a build up of limescale or debris on the diaphragm washer (at the base of the central column unit/drop valve). See cistern maintenance procedure for step by step instructions on how to change the diaphragm washer. As a temporary measure the original washer can be cleaned, reversed and refitted whilst awaiting a replacement washer. • Cleaning products such as bleach blocks may have been used which have chemically attacked the component part(s) meaning they must be replaced. • The black cross headed screw which holds the push button in place for some models (see cistern maintenance) may have been over-tightened, therefore distorting the valve mechanism and preventing it from sealing (this point is applicable to Type 1 fittings only). For Customer Service and Aftersales assistance, please contact Roca Head Office on 01530 830080