what’s news We Are Water Foundation #NoWalking4Water, viral campaign to mark World Water Day Celebrities such as the singer Joan Manuel Serrat,the scientist Eduard Punset and the chairman of FC Barcelona, Josep Maria Bartomeu, took part in this charitable initiative To mark World Water Day on 22 March, the We Are Wateraward; the singer and composer, Joan Manuel Serrat; Foundation launched the #NoWalking4Water campaign onJosep Maria Bartomeu, president of FC Barcelona; social media. The aim was to protest against the fact thatEnric Masip, former captain of Barcelona handball club; millions of girls and women have to walk up to six hoursEduard Punset, economist and science writer; and a day to collect water for their family’s domestic use, aJean Pascale Van Ypersele, former vice-president of the responsibility which prevents them from accessing theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. educational system, and, as a consequence, limits theirThe objective of #NoWalking4Water is to use the image chances of entering the world of work. of a 20 litre water container used by the millions of people The campaign was a great success and enjoyed thewho spend hours collecting water to make the issue of participation of almost 100 celebrities from around thewater more visible. world as well as thousands of less well-known people.Anyone who wishes to participate can visit the www. The initiative was carried out in Spain and other countries,nowalking4water.org website, download the image of the such as Argentina, Bulgaria, England, Portugal, Romania,container, take a photo of themselves with it and share India, Croatia and China. it on social media using the hashtag #NoWalking4Water. The celebrities who took part included Daniel Sánchez Arevalo, cinema director and finalist in the last Planeta Josep Maria Bartomeu, chairman of FC Barcelona. Master Class on “water and working environment” The Roca Galleries in Lisbon, Madrid,Barcelona, London and Shanghai hosted many different events to mark the day In addition to the #NoWalking4Water campaign, thedirector of EFE Verde environmental agency; Dr. Damià We Are Water Foundation organised the Master ClassBarceló, director of the Catalan Water Reseach Institute, “Water and Jobs. The power to transform our lives”, atRegina Gallego, international consultant at IDEROUM, which experts from the worlds of water, environmentS.L.; Bombo N’Dir, president of the Association of and employment in a range of areas of expertise, suchSubsaharan Immigrant Women; José Luis Martin Bordes, as engineering, communication, chemistry and law,Programme Officer at the UNO-Habitat Global Water shared their experiences with students from BarcelonaOperators’ Partnerships Alliance; and Victor Viñuales, universities. During the encounter, the students had theco-founder and director of ECODES. opportunity to question the various speakers about theThe encounter was particularly interesting as students relationship between water and the world of work. Thewere able to speak with experts on subjects such as the Master Class, held at the Roca Barcelona Gallery, waswaste of water resources, the repercussions on women divided into three blocks and was chaired by the team ofand girls for having to collect water, and the importance iAgua, a publication specialising in the water sector.of water to industry. Speakers included Carlos Mario Gómez, professor of Foundations of Economic Analysis at the Universidad de Alcalá and researcher at IMDEA Agua; Arturo Larena, 18