14 2016 We Art Water Film Festival 3 Award Ceremony The third edition of the festival had more than 1,473 participants from over 88 countries The We Are Water Foundation announced the winners ofSolé, documentary director, Rocío García, cinema the We Are Water Film Festival 3 last June, the internationalcorrespondent for El País; Carlos Jiménez Renjifo, Desk competition for short films whose aim is to raise awarenessOfficer at UNRIC (United Nations Regional Information about the issue of the world water shortage and the lackCentre); Xavier Torras, president of the We Are Water of access to basic sanitation. foundation; Daniel Sánchez Arévalo, cinema director and The winners of this year’s festival were Pevek, by Evgenyproducer; Judith Colell, cinema director and organiser of Makharadze (Russia), in the micro-documentary category;this year’s festival; and David Camps, representing the Maximize, by Bertrand Ndukong (Cameroon), for micro-Vicente Ferrer Foundation. fiction; andChildish blue, by Azadeh Deghani (Iran), in theThe 3rd We Are Water Film Festival had more than 1,473 animation category. The Audience Award went to Happyparticipants from 88 countries, including Colombia, Great World, by Hasan Jubair (Bangladesh).Britain, Spain, India, Venezuela, Argentina, Bulgaria, Brazil Various members of the jury, made up of professionalsand Canada. from the world of cinema and international aid, wereAll the finalists’ short films can be viewed on the present at the prize ceremony, including Albertwww.filmfestival.wearewater.org website. Collaboration of We are Water Foundation with Women for Africa Foundation The aim of the project is to construct public toilets and to raise awareness of the importance of hygiene in Ghana The We Are Water Foundation has recently signed aair, something which hundreds of people are obliged to doDuring 2016, the We Are Water Foundation continues cooperation agreement with the Women for Africa Foundation,due to the lack of bathrooms in their homes.to collaborate on existing UNICEF projects in Morocco headed by former Vice-President of the Spanish Government,This initiative, which will directly benefit 5,000 people, 500and with Educo in Bangladesh. In addition, it has signed Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega. Women for Africawomen and 3,000 children under the age of 15, is beingnew agreements with World Vision in Ghana and with the promotes sustainable economic and social development,carried out in the Ahwiam neighbourhood, where 90%Vicente Ferrer Foundation for two projects in India. human rights, peace, and the dignity of all people, especiallyof the inhabitants have no bathroom in their home. The that of women and girls in the continent of Africa.initiative will also benefit 15 women in the new cooperative The project has started in the Pram Pram district in the Oldwho will manage and maintain the public bathroom service Ningo municipality in Ghana. The aim is to construct publicand of course the around 10,000 people who live in the toilets and to educate people not to defecate in the open municipality. 19