12 2015 The two sailors can be proud of successfully completing the third Barcelona World Race, the second in which the Foundation has participated, and of having done so in the We Are Water , a boat that counted on the support of Cristina Salvador, Paula Klamburg, Alba Cabello and Clara Basiana, members of the Olympic synchronised swimming team, who always demonstrated their enthusiasm at participating in this project. Xavier Torras, Director of the We Are Water Foundation, and yachtsmen Bruno and Willy García © Photo Gilles Martin-Raget / Barcelona World Race Aerial shot of the We Are Water On the yacht, Bruno and Willy have crossed the Atlantic, Upon the arrival of the yachtsmen in Barcelona, Xavier Pacific and Indian Oceans and battled waves, winds and Torras, Director of the We Are Water Foundation, underlined storms, all to carry out the Foundation’s mission: to inform the excellent work they have carried out. “Not only have they the world of the issues of lack of basic sanitation and water competed in a sporting, brave fashion, but they have also structures in the planet’s most disadvantaged areas. shown us their human side, encouraging other teams and To do so, the two brothers crossed the We Are Water getting really involved in the Foundation. They have taken Meridians, the name given to points where the Foundation the message of raising awareness of water everywhere they is carrying out projects to improve access to drinking water have gone and have allowed us to share their day-to-day and basic sanitatio “The world is not as big as we think. experiences. Not only are they fantastic racers, but they are Because, if two brothers like us can sail around the world also an example to be followed”. in a boat, it can’t be that big. So we need to take care of it”, explained Garcia. The yacht on its arrival at the Port of Barcelona 29