what’s news Roca Gallery The first exhibition of the year focuses on wooden skyscrapers This is a new practice in architecture that has become very popular in the last few years It shows Roca’s commitment to the population’s wellbeing and to sustainability The constant change the world is facing and the crises inproducts made of engineered wood (also called composite urban settlements have brought together two very differentwood) maximize its resistance, firmness and longevity. concepts in architecture: on the one hand, the millennialThis exhibition is an example of Roca’s permanent history of wood and on the other hand, the history ofcommitment to the dissemination of the work of the skyscrapers and the vertical style. The new exhibition atleading architects of our time, collaborating with them in the Roca Barcelona Gallery “Timber Rising. Vertical visionsthe development of new ideas to improve urban life, paying for the cities of tomorrow”, curated by Eva Woode, fromspecial attention to sustainability and wellbeing. Studio Woode and Clare Farrow, revolves around this architectural trend. The exhibition “Timber Rising. Vertical visions for the cities The use of wood is endorsed by the thorough tests thisof tomorrow” was presented at the Roca London Gallery noble material has undergone and by the constructionsat the beginning of 2018 and has been at the Roca already built by several international architects that predictBarcelona Gallery until the end of May 2019. a future in which wood will compete with the constructions in concrete and steel. As showcased by this exhibition, wood is much more resistant than we think and the invention of sophisticated A mockup at the exhibition A new series analyzes the change of paradigm “World 4.0” brought together different speakers in debate sessions on architecture linked to current problems A new series of conferences was held at the Rocapeople that live in cities, taking into consideration that Barcelona Gallery with the aim of analyzing the changeswe live in an increasingly urban world that faces in the technological, urban and social paradigm linkedcontinuous digital challenges. to architecture. In addition to the session held in February, Roca “World 4.0”, curated by Magdalena Plocikiewiicz andBarcelona Gallery held another session in October 2018. Cristina Pardal, brought together speakers with differentIn “World 4.0, Beyond architecture” several experts profiles in two debate sessions. delved into topics related to Artificial Intelligence, Big The second session under the name “Smart City: ReturnData, Blockchain or the Internet of Things (IoT). to human scale” took place in February and was attended by different speakers who reflected on the importance of providing solutions to the real needs of Participants in the first session 18