19 2019 Roca Gallery The architect Antonio Ochoa Piccardo reviews his career Of Venezuelan origin, he is the first foreign architect that settled in Beijing after the economic openness Antonio Ochoa Piccardo, one of the architects who has most revolutionized Chinese architecture in the last few years, reviewed his career at the Roca Beijing Gallery. Ochoa is the first foreign architect who settled in Beijing (1993), after the economic openness started by Deng Xiaoping in 1979. The Venezuelan participated, along with eleven of the most renowned Asian architects, among them Shigeru Ban (Pritzker 2014) and Kengo Kuma in the Commune by the Great Wall, the only Chinese project that has obtained an award at the Venice Biennale (2002). He founded his own studio, Red House China, in 2006. The event was held on the occasion of the presentation of a book edited by Fang Zhenning, one of the most renowned Chinese art and architecture critics, which takes a look at the work of Antonio Ochoa in China. Zhenning reflects on the philosophy of design and Ochoa’s education in the book, as well as on his vision of Beijing’s transformation and the architectural transformation of the city in the last 30 years. The architect answered questions on his career Successful women analyze the barriers in their professional careers IE Business School organized an event at the Roca Beijing Gallery with experts from the architecture, communication, education and environmental sectors A panel of women gathered at the Roca Beijing Gallery toSome of the speakers were: Tetyana Kretova, Asia-Pacific analyze the professional barriers they have had to overcomeRegional Director of IE Business School; Shaohua Di, throughout their careers. founder of PRAXIS D’ARCHITECTURE; and Xiaoyuan The speakers at the event, organized by the IE Business(Charlene) Ren, founder and director of MyH2O Water School, came from different sectors, such as architecture,Information Network. Based on their personal experiences, communication, education and the environment, proving thatthey all delved into this topic, which has made the this is a problem that affects all professional sectors.headlines in the last few years. The speakers during the event 27