what’s We Are Water Foundation The iAgua awards recognize the work of the We Are Water Foundation with four prizes These awards bring together important companies and organizations from the water sector in Spain and Latin America The We Are Water Foundation obtained four prizes at theour work has been effective; the award goes to all of them.”On the other hand, the foundation also received the award iAgua awards at the end of 2018, which bring togetherTorras thanked the organizers “for initiatives like theseto Project of the Year for the campaign Sauchalaya Apna important companies and organizations from the waterawards, which prove we are on the right path.” Bitiya ka Spna and the Innovation Project of the year for the sector in Spain and Latin America. The We Are Water Foundation has carried out 49 projectsproject Sanitary Napkin manufacturing unit, aimed at women Out of five nominations, the We Are Water Foundationin 21 countries all around the world, which have in urban slums. received the award to Best Magazine Report for Losbenefitted more than 540,000 people. Along with theseThis campaign has benefitted 30,000 women and girls, círculos sedeben cerrar para todos (Circles need to beprojects, the Foundation promotes different actions andpromoting the use of the WC and stopping open defecation. closed for all); Best Social Media Strategy; Best campaigns to disseminate a new water culture. 40,000 low cost sanitary napkins have been manufactured Presentation, to Carlos Garriga, Project Manager of the thanks to this Project, benefitting more than 50,000 women We Are Water Foundation; and Best Foundation 2018, for in slum areas of Delhi NCR, with the aim of educating and its work against the water and sanitation problem. Acknowledgementscreating awareness of better practices in health and hygiene. Moreover, it was the finalist in the category Best Advertising Campaign, for the We Art Water Film Festival. Furthermore, the Foundation was also awarded the Gold The event, held at the Roca Madrid Gallery, was the fifthedition of the iAgua awards, which for years havealso at internationalNon-Profit Organization at the ARC Awards for AnnualReports for its 2016-2017 Annual Report. rewarded institutions, companies and organizations forthe dissemination carried out to reach the general goals levelThe ARC Awards for Annual Reports, which held their 32ndedition at the end of 2018, reward the excellence in annual within the water sector and the specific goals of each reports and the repercussion they have in the communication organization. In addition to the iAgua awards, the Foundation has alsoof companies and institutions. been recognized with other internationally renowned prizes. Xavier Torras, Director of the We Are Water Foundation, pointed out that “receiving this recognition nine years afterIn India it was chosen as the winner of the Corporate Social the creation of the Foundation fills us with pride because thisSustainability Summit and at the 2018 awards organized by means we have been able to help people that need it andthe UBS Forum’s in Mumbai, which were held last November. Group photo of all prize winners Representatives of the Foundation with their awards 30