19 2019 Ten years of the We Are Water Foundation compiled in an exhibition “The hidden life of water” showcases some of the projects carried out in different areas of the world by the Foundation since its establishment Roca Lisboa Gallery hosted the exhibition “The hidden lifeMoreover, other projects were also present at the of water” during the first four months of the year. Thisexhibition, like the improvement of the access to drinking exhibition showcases the work carried out by the We Arewater in Nusa Tenggara Timur (Indonesia), benefitting more Water Foundation since its establishment ten years ago.than 5,000 people or the digging of wells in the region of The exhibition looks back and compiles some of theBathalapalli (India), directly assisting more than 4,000 actions the Foundation has developed in different parts ofinhabitants in the area. the planet. Throughout these years the increase in theXavier Torras, Director of the We Are Water Foundation, number of cooperation projects has been notorious,highlighted that “the exhibition is a compilation of reaching a total of 49 projects in 21 countries, which havetestimonies of people who have improved their life thanks directly benefitted more than 540,000 people.to water and sanitation.” The visitors of Roca Lisboa Gallery were able to find outThe exhibition shares its name with the campaign “The more about some of these projects; for instance, thehidden life of water” to reinforce the dissemination building of public toilets and an educational campaignmessage of initiatives that provide visibility to the problem against open air defecation in Old Ningo (Ghana), whichhidden behind the absence of drinking water and benefitted more than 15,000 people; or the building ofsanitation, essential to lead a healthy life and to create wells in the region of B.K Samudram (India), benefittingwealth and development. more than 6,000 people. Some of the works shown in the exhibition The presentation of the yearbook Quem é quem brings together numerous personalities of the sector The yearbook of Architecture and Engineering Quem é quem was presented at the Roca Lisboa Gallery in February, at an event organized by Anteprojectos in collaboration with Roca, which brought together numerous personalities of the sector. The yearbook, which intends to promote the excellence in Architecture and Engineering in the Portuguese market, gathers a selection of the best architectural firms in Portugal, which stand out for their originality, creativity and functionality. Thus, we can find the studios of Álvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto Moura, as well as ARX Portugal, Bica Arquitetos, Frederico Vlsassina Arquitectos, among others. Cover of the yearbook A part of the audience 23