what’s TNroatdicei aFsa iyrs e avndt Eovents Roca strengthens its commitment to the hotel sector The Spanish Hotel Congress was sponsored by Roca As part of its commitment to the hotel sector, Rocarecovery and digitalization of the sector, where The company has equipped bathroom spaces in sponsored the Spanish Hotel Congress, a biannual eventopportunities and threats converge for the hotel industry.emblematic tourist monuments such as the Eiffel Tower which took place at the Malaga Convention Center thisThe conference focused on delving into the currentin Paris and iconic hotels like the W Hotel of the architect year. As part of the program of debates and talks, Carlosenvironment, well into the 21st century, of tourism andRicardo Bofill in Barcelona. Its products are present today Garriga, project manager of the We Are Water Foundation,the rest of economic activities in Spain. Beyond legalin many of the most important construction projects all gave a lecture in which he laid out the tools to improve theframeworks or changes in the hotel industry as they arearound the world, whether residential, hotel and public sustainability and brand image in hotels. known today, the congress tried to provide responses toworks and they are adapted and conceived for them. The The We Are Water Foundation was also present at themore motivational aspects, such as product developmentinitiatives the company collaborates with –such as this exhibition center of the Congress with the campaignand understanding and adaptation to the customer. congress, the “Nit del Turisme” (Tourism Night) and the “#NoWalking4Water”, which aims to denounce the Roca Awards to the Hotel Initiative– are opportunities to The Spanish tourism sector has been a leader for severaldiscuss the future of such a relevant sector in the number of hours millions of women and children need toyears in the world ranking of tourism competitivenessprogress of economy in Spain and in the rest of the world spend every day to fetch water and to contribute toprepared by the World Economic Forum. Roca’s and occasions to continue strengthening its commitment reverse this situation. knowledge of the market means that it has an updatedto the hospitality sector. On the other hand, an intensive two-day program range of products to meet the requirements of this type addressed the main challenges of today’s economic of installations, both at a national and international level. Presentation of commemorative gifts to institutions and companies collaborating with the Congress Carlos Garriga explaining the project #NoWalking4Water Photocall of the campaign #NoWalking4Water The Congress opened with a welcome cocktail and speech by the organizing committee 10