what’s news RRooccaa GGaalllleerriyes Roca launches rocagallery.com, a website that connects with architects and designers It is a new digital platform with exclusive content about the sector that willbe updated every week With the intention of approaching professionals, RocaJohn Palmesino and the editor of Wallpaper* Jonathan Bell,The website is available in two languages: English and launches rocagallery.com, a new digital platform of theamong others, will choose the new topics to be addressedSpanish and revolves around four fields: “Architecture”, “Eye architecture and design sectors that aims to become athroughout the following twelve months. The collaborators,on Design”, “The Future” and “Sustainable World”. Likewise, reference point for professionals from these fields. Eachmade up of a group of more than thirty writers,“Updated inspiration” is an additional section featuring month, the digital platform will generate its own contentphotographers, architects, designers and artists thatrecommendations on the month’s topic, and can be current —articles, features, reviews, projects…— based on a maincontribute to the online platform of Roca Gallery, have beenevents or rather recommendations that contribute to delving editorial thesis, which is updated weekly, on interestingchosen for their experience and vast knowledge of designinto the concept of the month. issues in the fields of architecture, design and innovation.and architecture. Their opinion articles provide an expert“This platform shows Roca’s commitment to contributing to The first topic in August was titled “Urban vs. Rural” andvision on the proposed topic. Among them we will find articlesthe global debate on interesting issues that affect us all,” presented building and design projects that focused onof Benjamin Prosky, executive director of the AmericanXavier Torras, Brand Communication Director at Roca, preservation, ecological concerns, sustainability, and theInstitute of Architects New York Chapter; Pedro Gadanho,points out. beauty and fragility of nature. The second month addressedarchitect and curator of the department of architecture andWith the slogan “A different perspective”, rocagallery.com is the “Connection in the material world” on the changingdesign of the MoMa; the photographer Stefan Baumann;a space to learn, create an opinion and share knowledge on meaning of connectivity in the current world. OtherLucy Bullivant, curator and writer; Giovanna Dunmall,the good practices in architecture, design and innovation. addressed topics have been “The other lives of architecture”,journalist; Martín Azúa, designer and founder of NumberedThe platform aims to become a reference point for news on the role played by this discipline, “An ocean”, “We wantStore, Patricia Espinosa, journalist specializing in design whoand trends in architecture and design. more, let’s use less”, “The future of retail” or “Outdoor space”.has written for different publications such as XL Semanal and Each year, a committee of experts, made up of the architects ABC, and the architects Brian Gallagher and Rafael G. Raya Ani and Jane Duncan, the architect and urban plannerMoriana, among others. Open air chapel in the center of the small village Skorba (Slovenia), by Enota Architects. Image of Miran Kambi^cAlexis Stephens & Christian Parsons, Tiny House Expedition 14