what’s We Are Water Foundation The We Are Water Foundation collaborates with World Vision in the Global 6K For Water race The race was held simultaneously in 23 countries on the 19th May World Vision, NGO engaged in helping children in need,the erratic rainfall, will facilitate the access to water during and the We Are Water Foundation gathered thousands ofthe entire year. This will also have an impact on the people for the first time in Spain in the largest charity runchildren’s health reducing the diseases caused by the use for clean water, the Global 6K For Water. Participants ranof non-potable water, improving nutrition and reducing for 6 kilometers, the average distance many boys andthe time they spend fetching clean water. girls need to walk every day to fetch clean water. ThisMillions of girls and boys need to walk up to 6 hours every race takes place every year and there are twoday to fetch water for the domestic use of their families, participation options: in-person, in the location chosencomplicating or even preventing their access to by World Vision and the We Are Water Foundation and a education. free option, which allows you to participate from certain parts in Spain using an app. With the aim of denouncing this fact, the We Are Water Foundation launched the awareness-raising campaign The We Are Water Foundation donated 1€ for each#NoWalking4Water in 2016. This campaign, with the help kilometer covered to reach the goal of 40,000€, a figureof initiatives such as the Global 6K For Water, continues that will make it possible to build new facilities and bringits path, increasing its visibility. The scale of the data drinking water to 300 students at the Saint Mary Kevinmeans that this issue needs to be emphasized, as nearly orphanage and school in Uganda. This project was1,000 children under the age of 5 die every day of started by the We Are Water Foundation and World Visiondiarrhea caused by polluted water, poor sanitation or in 2017 and aims to build a sustainable and low-costinadequate hygiene. Nevertheless, we can all find a water supply system. It consists of a pumping mechanismsolution to the global water problem, as the figures that works with solar energy and allows the water fromindicate an improvement. In 1990, 76% of the world’s the well to be used to supply different school services.population had access to drinking water. Today that figure The impact of this project, carried out in the Lwezareaches 91% and continues to grow. region, where 68% of the population does not have access to drinking water and its supply relies entirely on A family and festive atmosphere throughout the entire day Photocall of the #NoWalking4Water campaign 26