what’s news Roca Galleriyes “Designs for a better world” presents creative and socially responsible solutions Curated by Ana Domínguez Siemens and organized by the We Are Water Foundation, the exhibition showcases examples of solidarity-based design Design shows its social and responsible side in thisOn the other hand, the Casa Tateh project surprises, as it exhibition. The showcased projects have been conceivedis a home designed by Tateh Lehib Breica for Saharan by designers to generate solutions to many of the existingrefugee camps in Tindoug (Algeria). It has the support of problems and needs in the planet. These are designs thatACNUR and consists of a structure made of plastic bottles make the day-to-day life of societies with fewer resourcesfilled with sand and glued together using a mixture of easier. The strategies used range from modernizingcement and river sand. The circular shape of the home facilities to developing strategies and enriching the life ofprevents the sunlight from having a direct impact, thus the world’s most deprived population.reducing the heat inside it. It takes around one week to build it by using six thousand recycled plastic bottles, a Some of the designs that stand out are products such asfact that also contributes to the reduction of waste in the Lifestraw, a personal water filter by Vestergaard Frandsen,refugee camps. which consists of a water filter that turns polluted waterMoreover, a project aligned with the goals of the We Are into clean and safe drinking water. It filters a maximum ofWater Foundation is the Hippo Water Roller, a large can to 1,000 liters of water, enough for one person throughouttransport water by Pettie Petzer and Johan Jonker. With one year and eliminates 99.9999% of the bacteria andits rolling mechanism, it can be dragged on the ground and 99.9% of the parasites. can carry 90 liters of water, five times more than one 16