20 2019 New products Roca’s BIM objects reach 1,000,000 downloads The brand, a pioneer in the development of BIM objects, is the first in the sector to reach these downloads in the BIMobject platform Since becoming one of the first manufacturers to publishWhen the BIM technology began to take hold in thetruthful information in the digital environment was key to its catalogue on BIMobject in 2014, Roca already sharesconstruction sector, Roca reacted quickly by puttingRoca opting for its platform. over 1,900 product families and its offer of materials inhigh-quality objects at the disposal of architects,Roca is currently developing Marketing Automation the platform has not stopped growing. Recently, Rocaengineers and designers through the BIMobject platform.methodologies to carry out an adequate management of has reached a new milestone exceeding one millionIn this way, Roca can guarantee an adequatethe generated data, developments that will provide a downloads. A figure that doubles if all other brands of themanagement of the objects controlling their validity,better service to the users of its BIM objects. Group also present in the platform are taken intopossible versions and availability in the different markets. account. BIMobject’s commitment to guarantee a single source of BIM Sinduscon-SP Excellence Award The award is presented by the largest association of companies within the construction sector in Latin America Roca has received the BIM Sinduscon- SP ExcellenceThe jury awarded this recognition to Roca for offering a high Award in the Supplier category. level of information to professionals and for favoring the SindusCon-SP is the largest association of companiesdevelopment of architectural and engineering projects that within the construction industry in Latin America. It bringsuse the BIM platform. together 850 associated construction companies and it represents around fifty thousand residential construction companies based in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). 13