20 2019 Roca Gallery An exhibition focused on contemporary architectural drawings A collection of 70 pieces by emerging professionals was presented The autumn exhibition at the Roca London Gallery has“Historically, the essence of architectural design was its focused on the current state of modern architectural drawingcapacity to directly communicate the planned building. The and how the digital era opens up a world of possibilities andcontemporary digital culture frees the architect from these new territories. This is much more effective than a simpledemonstrative restrictions, creating a context in which sketch when it comes to defining a construction and that isarchitectural design has an incomparable freedom of the goal the curators of the exhibition have wished to convey.expression and latitude of operation,” the curators of the Jeremy Ficca, Amy Kulper, and Grace La, professors atexhibition pointed out. Carnegie Mellon University, Rhode Island School of Design and Harvard GSD respectively, have selected a diverse and surprising collection made up of around seventy contemporary drawings by renowned and emerging professionals from all over the world and with various influences. The drawings were selected by professors from leading universities such as Harvard GSD Sheila O’Donnell reviews her work together with Architects’ Journal After 30 years of career she has received the award to Architect of the Year at the Women Architecture Awards In collaboration with the Architects’ Journal, Roca LondonToday, the school occupies two adjacent, but not very well- Gallery welcomed the Irish architect Sheila O’Donnell, directorconnected buildings from the 19th and 20th centuries. Her and founder of the award-winning studio O’Donnell + Tuomey.proposal combines Georgian houses, the Reilly building and After receiving the award to Architect of the Year at the Womenthe new building, using the available budget to radically Architecture Awards at the beginning of the year, O’Donnelltransform the school. talked about the work carried out throughout these 30 years of“We like the accumulated narrative, the testimony of the four professional career. parts of the history of the school, the sequence from the 19th The architect delved into the concept of reuse referring toto the 21st century. We have subtitled our project “A Connected several of her projects, including the recent School ofSchool,” explained Sheila O’Donnell. Architecture in Liverpool. The architect during her presentation 23