what’s We Are Water Foundation The new edition of the We Art Water Film Festival focuses on the climate crisis It was presented during the San Sebastian International Film Festival The jury is made up of renowned actors and film directors and leading personalities from the fields of culture and international cooperation The fifth edition of the We Art Water Film Festival wasthe world of culture and journalism, as well as from theFoundation; as well as the curator of the festival, Judith presented during the San Sebastian International Filmfield of international cooperation. Its members are Daniel Colell. Festival, focusing on the climate crisis.Monzón, director; Carla Simón, director andThis edition, for the first time ever, the SDGs (Sustainable The We Art Water Film Festival is an international shortscreenwriter; Emamode Edosio, film director; NoraDevelopment Goals) have been present throughout the film festival, which recognizes and rewards the talent ofNavas, actress and vice president of the Spanishentire presentation with the aim of turning the film all those people with a clear awareness of the climateAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences; Ingridfestival into a powerful communication tool that crisis and water problem in the world. The main goal isGarcia-Jonsson, actress; Elena Sánchez; journalist andcontributes to raising greater awareness among the to raise global awareness through the creation of audiopresenter of “History of our cinema”; Carlos Jiménez, population. visual pieces that approach this topic.Desk Officer at the UN Regional Information Center (UNRIC); Sharon Metcalf, Senior Director Strategic As in previous editions, the jury is made up of renownedPartnerships & Programs at the American University actors and actresses, film directors, personalities fromSchool, Xavier Torras, director of the We Are Water Press conference with the media 28