20 2019 Roca around the world The 8 edition ofth jumpthegap finalizes® with the awards ceremony in Barcelona With 5,000 registered participants from 137 countries, it consolidates as one of the most internationally renowned design competitions The eighth edition of the international designand is divided into two main categories:together the finalists in the competition −from competition jumpthegap , organized by Roca in®Professional and Student. A Special Award toColombia, Serbia, Ukraine, Hungary, Portugal, collaboration with BCD Barcelona Design Center,Sustainability is presented by the We Are WaterMalaysia, Republic of Korea, South Korea, China, held its awards ceremony at the Disseny HubFoundation since 2015. Turkey and Spain− and professionals from the Barcelona. Furthermore, in this last edition the competitionworld of design and architecture; among them the More than 25,500 people have participated in thehas aligned with the Sustainable Developmentmembers of the jury Ruy Ohtake, architect and contest since its creation and this eighth editionGoals driven by United Nations, in order topresident of the jury; Isabel Roig, director general has had 5,000 registered participants, with theencourage future generations of designers andof BCD Barcelona Design Center; Josep Congost, submission of 725 projects from 137 countries.architects to focus their work, as far as possible,director of Design and Innovation at Roca; Dorota on the reduction of the environmental impact, oneKoziara, designer, artist and curator; Boris Established in 2004 with the goal of supportingof the greatest social challenges of the 21st century.Voskoboynikov, head architect and principal of the young architects and designers, jumpthegap aims® studio VOX Architects; Xavier Torras, Roca Brand at students and professionals under the age of 40The awards ceremony of the eighth edition broughtCommunication Director and Director of the We The event was held at the Disseny Hub in Barcelona 3