what’s news Roca Gallery Tongji University debates current architectural thinking Two experts addressed its importance through calligraphy or graphic design examples Zhou Hongtao, professor at Tongji University in Shanghai, and Ma Jin, museum designer and contemporary artist, participated in a debate at the Roca Shanghai Gallery about the importance of architectural thinking in other professions, with the aim of bringing architecture closer to society. Zhou Hongtao explained how he pays attention to turning his ideas into practical projects that help detect the interaction between people and objects. Ma Jin presented his multidimensional calligraphy to the audience and took them on a journey through the history of the evolution of Chinese characters, to convey the message that one single thing can have many different forms of presentation. The professor Zhou Hongtao and the artist Ma Jin were among the speakers Debate on the importance of sports venues in cities Sport increasingly represents one of the most popular forms of leisure and it is now an essential part of the everyday life of people Related to the rocacagallery.com topic, “Fit for Sports”, Roca Shanghai Gallery hosted a round table in July to analyze the increasing importance of sports facilities in residential communities and projects related to retail spaces. Nowadays we find basketball courts, bowling alleys or playgrounds combined with traditional architectural projects such as residential towers, stores or hotels. The round table was attended by exceptional participants such as Mark Liu, Managing Director of Jerde; Ben Bo, partner at SuperPark China; Jim Yue, vice president of Nike Sports Camps in China; Lily Wei, vice president of CRTKL and Tony Wong, Founder of Lifestyle Group, as well as Roca representatives. The round table was attended by exceptional guests 24