what’s NNeowtis ian dy Eevveennttsos Roca supports the international Design Does* event, a reflection on today’s design challenges Roca’s participation contributes an industrial perspective to the critical debate on design In its continuous commitment to innovation and design, withBarcelona and invited visitors to carry out a collectiveprogramme included figures such as Terry Irwin, Director of particular attention to young talent and generating visibility foranalysis of how design deals with the challenges of ourthe School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University, Julius designers and architects, Roca supported and activelysociety. Revolving around fifteen questions connected toWiedemann, Executive Director of the German publisher participated in Design Does*, an international gatheringthe present and to the challenges of the future, the showTASCHEN, and Laia Mogas-Soldevila, architect and MIT organised by Barcelona’s Elisava University School for Designfeatured a significant technological component andresearcher, among many other speakers. The forum also and Engineering and the Museum of Design. encouraged interaction by creating a dialogue with visitors.included a presentation on jumpthegap®, with an Using an exhibition format, Design Does* aimed to exploreAs part of the exhibition, on 4th and 5th April the Designexplanation of how the competition works. the responsibilities involved in design and its impact onDoes* Forum brought together experts from the world ofRunning in parallel to this were the International Days for industry, humans, social systems and cultural values. Thedesign with the aim of connecting the academic, businessDeans and Design Experts. Under the motto “Impact Through exhibition, which was supported by Roca, was heldand scientific fields in order to explore and discuss howDesign”, ELISAVA and the Cumulus Design network (the between 24th March and 13th May at the Design Hub indesign is giving shape to global challenges. The conferenceInternational Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, The Museum of Design auditorium was the setting for the jumpthegap® presentation 10