what’s news RRooccaa GGaalllleerriyes Female architects highlight their role as professionals The series of talks “Spaces for Female Architects. Conversations About the Current Reality” discusses the position of women in the profession shared their own experiences in the sector and explained how they have achieved recognition in a field which is so In February, March and April, the Roca Barcelona Gallerydifficult for women. hosted a series of round tables with the participation ofThe second session, “Future Challenges”, featured renowned professionals from the field of architecture.Carmen Moreno, architect and Co-Director of the 8th Under the title “Spaces for Female Architects. Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urban Planning, Conversations About the Current Reality”, the discussionsZaida Muxí, architect and lecturer, Carme Pinós, architect were curated by Martha Thorne, Dean of IE School of Architecture and Design, and Diane Gray, Executiveand founder of the Estudio Carme Pinós, and Clara Solà- Director of LA(H)B, the Laboratory of Architecture forMorales, architect and founder of Cadaval & Solà- Healthcare Barcelona. Following the success of the firstMorales. On this occasion, the speakers presented the edition held at the Roca Madrid Gallery in 2014, these talksfuture challenges involved in reaching a situation with further develop the conversation about the situation ofbetter quality and more equal opportunities along with women in the fields of architecture and design andfair recognition of the contributions made by the female demonstrate a commitment to addressing today’s architects of yesterday, today and tomorrow. They gave important topics, creating debate and sharing information,examples of actions which have improved some aspects opportunities and experiences in order to promote theof women architects’ professional lives, their education talent and diversity of female architects. and recognition for their work. The talks were divided into three sessions. The first,Finally, the speakers at the third session were Maria entitled “Evolution”, analysed how the position of femaleBuhigas, architect and founder of Urban-Facts, Odile architects has changed over the years. The discussionDecq, architect and Director of Studio Odile Decq, Manon covered different perspectives and different generationalJanssens, architect and Senior Associate, Head of viewpoints. Four women architects with long careers andExhibition and Archive at Zaha Hadid Architects, and Inés of high professional standing were invited to speak: BetSánchez de Madariaga, architect and international expert Capdeferro, founding architect of Bosch Capdeferro Arquitectura; Olga Felip, founding architect of Arquitecturiaon gender in urban planning, architecture, research and Felip Camps; Beth Galí, founding architect of BB+GGinnovation. Focusing on “Activism”, the round table Arquitectes; and Marta Pelegrín, founding architect of theassessed the different levels of participation by women Estudio de Arquitectura Mediomundo. The round tablearchitects and explored the models and strategies which reviewed the history of professional women, from theirare planned to continue breaking the stereotypes that bind entry into the world of work in the early 20th century to theus to old paradigms in order to open up to new proposals present situation in the 21st century. The speakers eachin the field of architecture. The talks were very well received by the mixed gender audience Architect Odile Decq during her speech 16