what’s We Are Water Foundation Celebrating World Water Day The We Are Water Foundation launches #TheHiddenLifeofWater”, an awareness-raising campaign which highlights the importance of water in our lives “The answer is in nature” was the motto chosen by the United Nations to celebrate World Water Day on 22nd March. The objective was to raise public awareness on the importance of protecting nature and using the world’s natural resources in a suitable way in order to overcome the hydric challenges of the 21st century. Furthermore, the United Nations called attention to the impact of environmental issues and climate change on the crisis associated with hydric resources: floods, droughts and water pollution are aggravated by the degradation of vegetation, soil, rivers and lakes. Two thousand million people live in countries suffering from a water deficit, a figure which will rise in the coming decades in parallel with the predicted increase in the world’s population. Neglecting or mistreating our ecosystems has a direct effect on access to water. As such, one of the goals defined by the United Nations and shared by the We Are Water Foundation is a reduction in the amount of water we pollute or waste and an increase in the collection andIt also organised a round table at the Roca Barcelonarise by 50% and therefore it is essential to focus on a treatment of wastewater. Gallery entitled “Water, the Crisis of New Generations”,new, positive use of water to achieve sustainable As it does every year, the We Are Water Foundationwhere recognised experts debated the present and futureconsumption that benefits us all. organised a series of actions to draw attention to this verysituation of the water situation in Spain and the effects of special and symbolic day. On this occasion, it launchedclimate change in the coming years, providing possibleThe speakers at the event were: Tomàs Molina, physicist the campaign #TheHiddenLifeofWater”, which emphasisessolutions in planning for and counteracting the lack ofand Director of Meteorology at Televisió de Catalunya; the role of water in our lives, with the participation of overwater. The conclusion was a broad consensus that in lessXavier Torras, Director of the We Are Water Foundation; a dozen countries. than 15 years the global demand for water is expected toRafael Mantecón, chemical engineer and expert in The speakers at the round table “Water, the Crisis of New Generations” 24