what’s news Roca Galleries Presentation of a study on the hotel sector in Portugal Continuing with their collaboration with the Portuguesearchitects, this study analyses the main trends in the Hotel Association, AHP, the Roca Lisboa Gallery hostedbathroom space and gives clues about the products which the presentation of a report on the bathroom space inbest cover the sector’s needs. The presentation included Portuguese hotels under the title “360° Bathroom Space.contributions from Jorge Vieira, Director General of Roca Study on the Hotel Sector in Portugal.” As a country withPortugal, and Maria Joao Martins, Project and Training a high influx of tourists, the hotel sector is very active inDirector at AHP, the association responsible for producing terms of professional training, quality and design. Aimedthe report. at hotel directors, purchasing managers, designers and Social media for the real estate sector With the aim of always being attentive to the latestcommercial activity. The course was delivered by Ana tendencies and to the training needs of professionals, theMendes, a specialist in social media and communication, Roca Lisboa Gallery organised a training seminar aimedwho filled the space in the gallery to capacity. A highly at companies and people working in the real estate sectorsuccessful event which confirmed the positive reception on how to make the most of social media and enhanceto the activities on offer. Sustainable construction training days The main objective of this three-day seminar was to train architecture and engineering students as well as professionals in this discipline, giving them a deep and effective knowledge on sustainable development in the construction sector. The training sessions were led by Portugal’s Sustainable Construction Portal, an entity which provides tools, information and resources to encourage more environmentally friendly construction. 22