what’s news Roca Gallery An exhibition with five simultaneous stages around the world The exhibition “A shared history. The brand through100 years of the company’s communication. They are:With the beginning of the second half of the year, a new communication” is the first of the commemorative exhibits“The beginnings in complex situations. The search forexhibition will be added to the centenary activities. Under for Roca’s centenary. Since last February and throughoutwellbeing” (from 1917 up to almost the 1950s), “Post-warthe title “From material to product. Technology, design the first half of the year, the Roca Galleries of Madrid,and growth. Innovation is the driver” (from the 1950s toand innovation in the home”, this display offers a journey Barcelona, Lisbon, London and Shanghai are putting onthe 1960s), “Consolidation and expansion. Design as athrough the evolution in the design of Roca’s products an exhibition, which invites visitors to embark on ancompany strategy” and finally “Globalisation andand a representation of the manufacturing materials and audio-visual journey through the printed adverts, adaptability. Sustainability is not a utopia, it is aprocesses. The exhibition will once again be duplicated television adverts, posters, magazines and other necessity”. in all the Roca Galleries and will be complemented with publications that illustrate the values the company has three roundtable meetings dedicated to the product transmitted to society. As part of the exhibition, two professional gatherings arecreation process, the home of the future and the effect of In this exhibition, commissioned by the designer andalso being held in each of the Galleries in order to delvearchitectural barriers. editor Òscar Guayabero, visitors can discover the historydeeper into the essential role of communication in the of the company’s communication, which is also the company. The first of them, entitled “The great challenge history of the evolution of comfort in homes, as well asof building a brand”, was attended by the communication the improvement in hygiene habits and the incorporationdirectors of large multinational companies such as Nestlé, of new materials and technologies. Sephora, Tiempo BBDO and Mahou San Miguel. During the last century, this communication has beenThe second gathering focused on emotional marketing in carried out primarily around four basic concepts for Roca:the digital age and brought together experts in this wellbeing, design, innovation and sustainability. As such,innovative field from the academic and business world in the exhibition has been divided into four stages/conceptsthe five Roca Galleries on different days in the months of which, in one way or another, are present throughout theApril and May. 16