what’s news Roca Gallery Spaces we inhabit: sensory Architecture influences and experiencesand industry: Roca Madrid Gallery has held the last meeting three sessions of the series “Interiors of points the 21st century” The series ‘Industrialización y Arquitectura’ (Industrialisation and Architecture), organised by the Roca Madrid Gallery together with the architect Sergio Last March, the series “Interiores del sigloxxi” (Interiors ofand partner at Alarcón & Matosas; and Félix Lozano, foundingBaragaño, has established parallels and synergies the 21stcentury) was brought to a close with debates onpartner and CEO of Teamlabs. The debate revolved aroundbetween the industrial world and that of architecture, spaces dedicated to health, learning and commerce,the fundamental role of spaces in new forms of learning andcovering the sectors of the aeronautical, automotive, moderated by Miguel Barahona, commissioner of the series.their influence on pupils. railway and naval industries through various experts and professionals from each field who have shared their The session dedicated to new spaces for health focused onFinally, the last session focused on retail establishmentsknowledge and experience with the audience. The healthcare spaces for dealing with and attending to the sick,as cultural manifestations, where users’ new purchasingsessions held were: and their influence on patients’ recovery and wellbeing. Thishabits, as well as the needs of the brands, have turned meeting involved Marta Parra, architect and partner atthem into spaces that create unique and memorable Arquitectura de Maternidades; Jeff Brock, architect andexperiences. To this end, the meeting included speakersAprendiendo a volar(Learning to fly) - 20 February partner at Moneo Brock; and Elisa Valero, architect.such as Carlos Aires, founder and creator of MarketingMáquinas de habitar(Living machines) - 13 March Jazz, creative designer of retail spaces, and founder and The meeting entitled “New spaces for learning” includeddirector of the Retail Design Institute Spain; Javier Guzmán,Casas rodantes(Mobile homes) - 3 April the participation of Mª José Pizarro, architect and partnerpartner of Zoocoo Estudio; and Mercedes Sierra, foundingConstruyendo barcos(Building boats) - 8 May at Rueda Pizarro Arquitectos; Amadeu Matosas, architectpartner and Project Manager at Better Pop Ups. 24