what’s We Are Water Foundation Investing in the reuse of water would achieve a saving of 90% in energy and 70% in water The We Are Water Foundation carries out various activities aimed at debating the use of wastewater and the reuse of water “Why waste water?” was the slogan chosen by the Unitedin the recovery and reuse of water, a saving of up to 90%brings together both citizens and personalities from Nations to celebrate World Water Day 2017 on 22 March.in energy and 70% in water could be achieved.different fields, such as sport, music and film. For the The objective was to debate about the opportunities for second year running, the campaign’s objective is to draw making use of wastewater, the challenges that remainThe We Are Water Foundation, committed to this problemattention to this problem through social networks and the around this topic and the reduction of water consumption.and determined to spread awareness and to make publicuse of the image of a 20-litre jerrycan, like the one used Around the world, 1,800 million people use a source ofopinion and institutions reflect on the need to create aby millions of people that travel every day to fetch water. drinking water that is contaminated with faeces and 663new culture of water that allows for fair development and million people continue to have no access to drinkinga sustainable management of water resources in the water. At present, over 80% of wastewater receives noworld, organised a series of actions as part of World treatment and is dumped into rivers or the sea. In thisWater Day in Spain. These actions were complemented context, the UN aims to highlight the opportunitieswith various events and roundtable meetings in other offered by wastewater. Its treatment and reuse is, withoutcountries in which the Foundation has a presence, such a doubt, one of the major challenges for the future.as Portugal, the United Kingdom and Poland. One of According to the United Nations, if investments are madethese actions is the campaign #NoWalking4Water, which 26