what’s news Roca Gallery Roca promotes the implementation of BIM methodology in Portugal A conference was held at the Roca Lisbon Gallery on these construction processes for professionals 2017 is the year that marks the more definitiveUNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas implementation of BIM in Portugal and in Europe. ToTecnologias; and Ignasi Pérez Arnal, director of Content of spread knowledge of this tool, the Roca Lisbon Gallerythe European BIM Summit. held a conference on the BIM Strategy on 18 April. This conference was primarily aimed at professionals and The conference served to identify the main BIM strategiesin Portugal, and it included the participation of threespecialists: José Carlos Lino, from the technical committeestudents from the world of architecture, engineering andconstruction, who had the opportunity to learn about thebenefits and limitations of this tool, which is increasinglyNew edition of BIM CT197; Ricardo Jardim Gonçalves, from theResearch Group for interoperability between systems, ofused by the sector.of Breakfast @Roca: The Waste Transformers The session was chaired by Lara van Druten Since last October, the Roca Lisbon Gallery has been holding the Breakfast@Roca sessions. These interactive sessions, in which the public also takes part, aim to create a future-focused approach for the community of designers. Lara van Druten is the founder and managing director of The Waste Transformers, a company awarded for the development of a system that transforms domestic food Architectural gathering. waste into resources for the community through the use of modular containers. She has also been director of operations at the French multinational Altran. Urban regeneration by the In an informal and quite animated discussion, theattendees had the opportunity to share their concerns about the future, not only at an environmental level but also architect Pedro Domingos at a social level. The Breakfast@Roca series consists ofbackcasting sessions that allow participants to debate solutions for a more sustainable future in the various areas of daily life. On 11 May, the Roca Lisbon Gallery held the first of fourThis conference forms part of a series organised in architectural gatherings on urban regeneration. This firstcollaboration with the portal Espaço de Arquitetura, which event was attended by the architect Pedro Domingos,aims to provide an opportunity for professionals, students author of numerous international projects which have wonand citizens in general to be able to debate the merits of several prizes. regeneration and to establish good practices for operating in this field. 20