15 2017 In the second display of the year, unveiled in April, the first scene pays homage to the brand’s best-sellers, products which have been historic benchmarks for Roca at a global level. The centre of the display is dedicated to Roca’s faucets, highlighting sustainability and care for the environment and representing their evolution towards saving water and energy. The third display is about development and innovation, values that are intrinsic to the brand and its technical and technological progress. As a demonstration of these values, it presents the In-Tank and In-Wash®toilets, two of the firm’s most iconic products in this field. This same display will also be shown at the Roca Lisbon Gallery Roca Madrid Gallery hosts the presentation of the project to renovate the Plaza de España in Madrid The winning design “Welcome Mother Nature”, a popular vote and which will provide the centre of Madrid collaboration between the studio Porras La Casta and thewith a large green space. During the meeting, emphasis studio Guadiana, was presented at the Roca Madrid was placed on the need to construct and manage the new Gallery, as a space for spreading knowledge and contentsquare with citizens’ participation and in a sustainable of interest on architecture, design and sustainability. Thosemanner, with the use of recycled materials, with the attending the presentation had the opportunity to learncollection of rain water and with an effective treatment of first-hand about the details of this design, which won bythe park’s waste for its own maintenance. More than 200 people attended the presentation 23